JUnit5 Docker
is a JUnit5
extension that start docker containers before running tests and stop them afterwards.
This is the documentation for the version 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.
The last released version can be found at https://faustxvi.github.io/junit5-docker/current and the documentation of the under developpment version can be found at https://faustxvi.github.io/junit5-docker/snapshot
Dependency ———-
Since this is a SNAPSHOT version, you can’t find it on maven central so you’ll need to add the repository to your pom.xml
like this :
To use JUnit5-Docker
, you first need to declare it as a dependency. Add these lines to your pom.xml
if you are using maven.
Usage —–
The entrypoint is the @Docker
Please refer to the Javadoc for more details.
The container is started before each test method is called; and stopped afterward.
This mean that the container is already started when the @BeforeEach
methods are called and destroyed after the @AfterEach
By default, you are guaranteed that a new container is created for each tests.
Simple Example
Given that you have a test like :
@Docker(image = "faustxvi/simple-two-ports", ports = @Port(exposed = 8801, inner = 8080))
public class MyAwesomeTest {
void checkMyCode() {
// Add your test content here
void checkMyCodeWithAnotherContainer() {
// Add your test content here
When you run your tests :
* a new container `faustxvi/simple-two-ports` is started before running each tests using the version `latest`
* the port `8801` is bound to the container's port `8080` so you can exchange through this port
* this container is stopped and removed after usage
Real life exemple
Given that you have a test like :
@Docker(image = "mysql", ports = @Port(exposed = 8801, inner = 3306),
environments = {
@Environment(key = "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD", value = "root"),
@Environment(key = "MYSQL_DATABASE", value = "testdb"),
@Environment(key = "MYSQL_USER", value = "testuser"),
@Environment(key = "MYSQL_PASSWORD", value = "s3cr3t"),
waitFor = @WaitFor("mysqld: ready for connections"))
public class MyAwesomeTest {
void checkMyCode() {
// Add your test content here
void checkMyCodeWithAnotherContainer() {
// Add your test content here
When you run your tests :
* the container is started with the given environment variables
* the tests are started only after the string `mysqld: ready for connections` is found in the container's logs
Keep the container for all tests of a class
The container is started once for the whole class and before any test method is called; and stopped afterward.
This mean that the container is already started when the @BeforeEach
and @BeforeAll
methods are called and destroyed after the @AfterEach
and @AfterAll
Be aware that the container is not restarted between tests so changing the state of the container in one test may affect other tests.
Given that you have a test like :
@Docker(image = "faustxvi/simple-two-ports", ports = @Port(exposed = 8801, inner = 8080), newForEachCase = false)
public class MyAwesomeTest {
void checkMyCode() {
// Add your test content here
void checkMyCodeWithTheSameContainer() {
// Add your test content here
When you run your tests :
* the container `faustxvi/simple-two-ports` is started before running your tests using the version `latest`
* the container is stopped and removed after your tests